Category Archives: Terms Defined
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
- Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name
- Having a heavenly Father means that we are a part of the family of God. Through Jesus, we can receive eternal life and adoption into God’s family. This comes with many implications. As God’s children, we know that we are loved
- God’s name is [sacred and holy] and [esteemed, repected, held in high regard tinged with awe]
- Thy Kingdom come
- To pray Thy Kingdom Come means to invite God’s will into the world and to be open to what God wants for your life. It is also looking forward to Jesus’ Second Coming to fully establish God’s reign. It’s a prayer that summarizes the entire Bible and what God wants to do on the earth.
- Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
- We ask God to save us from any unwillingness to learn God’s will and embrace God’s kingdom; to save us from choosing our own plans and desires; and to save us from trying to limit the scope of God’s purposes.
- Give us this day our daily bread
- [Word of God and Revelation]
- Forgive us our trespasses as we {should} forgive those who trespass against us
- [sins, wrong-doing]
- We should forgive others as God forgives us. It is not that God forgives us as we forgive others. God forgives totally, forgets the trespass, and does it every time we trespass and repent.
- Lead us not into temptation
- [enticement, allurement]
- Deliver us from Evil
- [morally wrong or bad, harmful,detrimental]
- In Jesus name
- Jesus repeatedly taught His disciples to pray in His name (John 14:13–14; 15:16; 16:23–24).
- Praying in his name is to acknowledge and remember that Christ is the only way—that our standing before the Father is based on the finished work of Christ alone. We come to him in prayer, not because of our own works or merit, but in the name of Jesus. That preposition “in” is a significant one.
- Amen
- [it is so, so be it]
When praying similar to the Lord’s Prayer, use your own wording and include anything personal or in need of addressing in prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is meant to be an example of “How to Pray”.
God Almighty created the Godhead to be 3 entities that do distinct functions:
presides, commands, directs, governs, controls, compels, guides, reigns, has authority, supervises, leads, authorizes, appoints, imposes, grants, instructs, requires, manages, oversees, approves/disapproves, and has ultimate control/power. All worship, prayer, glory, praise, and thanks goes to God the Father and “HE” gives glory and praise to whom he chooses.
Orchestrates = GOD THE SON/JESUS
arranges, manipulates [especially by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering], devises, establishes, reconciles, unifies, coordinates, embodies, correlates, clarifies, intercedes, explicates, channels, and formulates. Always does/communicates God the Father’s Will. Jesus paid our sin penalty which God the Father accepted as payment of the sin penalty. [Any worship praise, glory, and thanks given to Jesus is channeled to God the Father through Jesus. Jesus will not correct, reprimand, or reject such but channels it to God the Father. Jesus understands why people do such.]
carries out; performs or does; provides polish to; perfects; achieves [to conclude successfully; complete], carries into effect, gets something done; influences, comforts; reveals/revelations; communicates between humans and God & Jesus. Always does/communicates God the Father’s Will. Leads humans to repent of sin and to God the Father through Jesus’ payment of the sin penalty,
God the Father/Almighty, Jesus/God the Son, God the Holy Spirit — All have the same essence, focus, character, goals, methods, etc. [complete agreement and functionality]
Jesus requested that the Holy Spirit entity be sent to saved humans as a Helper/Comforter and he will abide with them forever. [John 14: 16-17]
An entity is something that has real and distinct existence that is a being.
The word Trinity does not appear in the Scriptures but is often referred to therein. The Godhead is a Trinity as it is made up of 3 entities that always existed. This is how God Almighty has it in existence no matter what one labels it.
Meek =
- humbly patient or quiet in nature, as in under provocation from others.
- overly submissive or compliant [not argumentative]; tame, tranquil.
- Forbearing, uncomplaining, passive, unassuming, pacific [tending to make or preserve peace, not warlike], calm.
- Obedient
- Obsolete: gentle; kind. [probably the Biblical meaning of meek]
- Word was related to Old Norse mjūkr amenable; compare Welsh mwytho to soften
Humility =
- modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank, etc.
- not prideful or arrogant; modest
- courteously respectful
- Word was first recorded in 1200–50; Middle English
doormat =
- a person who offers little resistance to ill-treatment by others.
- Word was first recorded in 1655–65;
A Christian should be meek and have humility, but not be a doormat. A Christian needs to be able to withstand temptations [with God’s help] and retain their faith when under influence and duress to not do so. A Christian needs to NOT be a “go along” person.
General Bible readers usually can not go back to the original text in original language and we use translations using the translators selection of words [the best they can do in their translator position].
When the books of the Bible [Scripture] were originally given to humans, words like marriage, bride, bridegroom, wedding, king, and intimate were most likely words that time period of humans could relate to spiritually. However, I find such words a problem in relating to God and Jesus. I consider Jesus a Brother whom God placed in charge of everything under God the Father and consider Jesus as my Savior.
I consider God to be Supreme, Almighty God as well as my Heavenly Father to ultimately honor, revere, and obey. He is to whom I pray and have the highest relationship.
I consider Jesus, my Savior, Head of the Church, King of Kings, Head of the Family of God [under God the Father], begotten Brother [We are adopted into the Family of God.], and interceding for believers with God the Father when needed. Jesus also often talks with us through the Holy Spirit in many ways.
Thus, here are the words and meanings, I give to marriage, bride, bridegroom, wedding, king, and intimate:
Scriptural meanings:
- Marriage = any close or intimate association or union, to combine suitably or agreeably; blend; union, uniting [in a way that entails, assumes, or suggests a close, warm, trusting personal relationship]. It also means that Jesus is Head [in charge] of the Family.
- Bride = saint, believer, saved, redeemed. Those [the Church consisting of many members of redeemed] who are being united with Jesus as the Head of the Church [in charge]. The word bride was originated in 1870 French/German.
- Bridegroom = Jesus, who will be head of the Church and its members. The word bridegroom/groom is Middle English and originated in 1000.
- Wedding = the act or an instance of blending or joining; to combine; alliance.
- Intimate = characterized by or involving warm friendship or a personally close or familiar association or feeling; (of an association, knowledge, understanding, etc.) arising from close personal connection or familiar experience; exhaustive, in depth , thorough, and profound.
- King = chief authority over a country and people. King of Kings = chief authority over all other kings under Almighty God the Father. Unfortunately human kings throughout history have misused the position. Jesus won’t misuse it as we can trust him as God does. Origin of word: before 900; Middle English; Old English.
Thus, I prefer to use:
- Union = Marriage
- Redeemed/Saved/Believer = Bride is the Church and Redeemed are members of the Church
- Head of the Church [Jesus] = Bridegroom
- Joining/Alliance = Wedding
- Close Personal Connection = Intimate
- Chief Authority over all other hierarchy levels = king or king of kings
Repentance goes beyond the desire [feelings] of turning from sin to righteousness.
The Bible word most often translated repentance — means a change of mental and spiritual attitude toward sin. [Detestation of past sins and a resolve to make amends through forgiveness through Jesus Christ {from God} and with the help of the Holy Spirit.]
God the Father Officiates, God the Son [Jesus] Orchestrates, God the Holy Spirit Executes.
[Definitions per Webster’s Dictionary]
- Officiates:
- Holds a position of authority and responsibility
- Conducts religious ceremonies
- Ultimately “In Charge”
- Orchestrates:
- To arrange or manipulate especially by means of clever planning or through maneuvering.
- Executes:
- To perform or do — as an assigned task
The Expositor’s New Testiment Ephesians 3: 7-10
Conclusion: Keep God the Father FIRST always! It is always God the Father’s Will that is to be done. Jesus always DID God the Father’s Will. All glory goes to God the Father. [according to Jesus]
Quenching the Spirit means despising or neglecting his gifts, refusing to express spiritual emotion, and resisting his fruit – so we must be careful not to quench the Holy Spirit, by indulging carnal lusts and affections, minding only earthly things. Source Website
Thess. 5:19 (KJV) But you can also quench the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 4:30 (KJV) And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Hebrews 10:29 (KJV) Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
quenched meaning:
1. to put out or extinguish.
2. to subdue, to suppress, stifle
3. unresponsive to the working and guidance of
How do we quench the Holy Spirit?
via contempt of; disdain of, rejection of, stop listening to, restraining the Holy Spirit, or not complying with, but becoming worldly minded.
Doubtless, remorse of conscience and keen self-reflection are this never-dying worm.
These texts do not speak of disembodied souls, or spirits, burning.
Christ declared we should “fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell”.
In Mark 9:43-48 Christ quite evidently refers to the same judgment fires as those described in Isaiah 66:24, where we read: “They [the righteous] shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses [“dead bodies,” A.R.V.] of the men that have transgressed against me; for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched.” We are told in so many words that the agencies of “worm” and “fire” are working, not upon disembodied spirits, but upon bodies, dead bodies.
They saw in Hinnom dead bodies being devoured by flames, or if the flames did not reach them, then by worms, those ever-present agents of destruction and disintegration. The fact that the fires of Gehenna were ever kept burning, were “not quenched,” was the surest proof that whatever was cast into them would be entirely consumed. To declare that if a fire keeps ever burning, then whatever is cast into it keeps ever living, is to go contrary both to the evidence of our senses and to the testimony of Scripture. ………. the fire raged until it had devoured everything within reach.
The Bible nowhere says that souls are immortal, but declares that “the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4
There must therefore be an end to the fire, else this earth could not be re-created. In other words, the very promise of God to give us a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness is contingent upon there being an end to the judgment fires.
Above quoted from site below”
– See more at:
- Acknowledging the sinfulness of my heart and appealing to God for a new heart.
- Repenting without regret.
- Taking responsibility for my sin and taking God’s Chastisement and the bad results associated with my sin.
- Changing my purposeful behavior thereafter – WITH GOD’S HELP.
not being conformed to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is [that which is good and acceptable and perfect]. - Revealing true repentance by bearing good fruit.
- A new attitude toward sin
- The desire to not sin and to do God’s Will [NOT in opposition to spiritual]
- A desire to do Good Works and the bearing Good Fruit [fruit of the Holy Spirit]
- A commitment toward divine nature and behavior thereof [with help of Holy Spirit] …… An interest in the new covenant, have a new heart and a new spirit, in order to walk in a newness of life. God would give a heart of flesh, a soft and tender heart, complying with his holy will.
- A new heart by the Spirit, not by the letter ……..the removal of a stubborn heart and giving you a tender, responsive heart. [mind, will and spirit—motive and principle of action].
Jesus is righteous therefore when you are “in” Jesus you are righteous. Being “in” Jesus is having faith and trusting Jesus.
Our obedience is never well enough as we are imperfect. If we were/are perfect then we were/are not iligible for Grace as we wouldn’t need it. You come to God thru Jesus “just as you are” imperfect. Our obedience is good enough only BECAUSE we are IN JESUS. It is Jesus’ obedience not our obedience that is considered good enough. Being “in” Jesus is having faith and trusting Jesus.
God the Father looks at and considers Jesus’ righteousness and obedience not ours. We are accepted as acceptable to God the Father through our Faith and Trust “IN JESUS”.
Commandments AFTER Grace:
- Put God the Father first in ALL things.
- Love your Neighbor as you love yourself.
If you do these two things, the rest just come about.
Sources: Prince TV show, Swaggart TV show, and In-Touch TV show all had sermons on this topic. This is a composite of what I obsorbed from them.
Meekness = power under control, slow to be provoked, kindness, sweetness, disicipline.
self-control [discipline] vs under total control of God thru the Holy Spirit: God wants you to do what HE tells you to do not what YOU tell you to do. But YOU have the choice to do what HE tells you to do or not.
The Bible gives many instances where we are told to do something or that God expects to be able to do something that we think we cannot actually do. It often seemed that the Bible was telling us that we should have the ability to do something of our own self-control or self-discipline. “We should do thus and so.”
However, what is actually expected is for us to fight the battle of faith and trust and let God give us the strength and power to do whatever He tells us to do. Thus, it is his strength and power used, not our self-power, self-dicipline, or self-strength.
a mumbled or private expression of discontent; to speak in a low tone or indistinctly.
an expression of discontent, regret, pain, censure, resentment, or grief; lament; fault finding:
When murmuring occurs in the Bible Scriptures, those murmuring are rejecting God/Jesus and trying to replace him or remove him or his influenence. They wanted to choose a leader to lead them back to captivity in Egypt.
In Heaven, the complaining or the Angels led to the action of trying to overthrow God and replace Him with Saton whom they thought would be a better leader.
When the Jewish Religious Leaders murmured, they wanted to terminate Jesus’ influence on the people and replace Him with their own influence for reasons of power and greed.
When murmur ocurs in the Scriptures, the murmur is against God’s Will and/or against God/Jesus.
We all complain about things and may even find things in Heaven in Eternity that we wish were different; however, such a compaint should NOT be against God’s Will or to replace Him with something else.
You can bring a problem to God and discuss it with Him respectively presenting your viewpoint, but His decision is final and best for you as well as compatible with God’s Will. God knows what is best and considers results, and long term effects which we cannot — now or in eternity.
Bible Search Source:
Definition of Words:
peace = quiet heart [Joyce Myers on TV show is source of “quiet heart” definition] defines peace as the following:
cessation of — or freedom from — any strife or dissension; freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession; a state of tranquillity or serenity; inner harmony or quiet.
Joyce Meyers article on God’s Peace explains God’s kind of Peace.
Christ is the actual object of the believer’s hope, because it is in his second coming that the hope of glory will be fulfilled (1 Tim. 1:1; Col. 1:27; Titus 2:13). It is spoken of as “lively”, i.e., a living, hope, a hope not frail and perishable, but having a perennial life (1 Pet. 1:3). In Rom. 5:2 the “hope” spoken of is probably objective, i.e., “the hope set before us,” namely, eternal life (comp. 12:12). In 1 John 3:3 the expression “hope in him” ought rather to be, as in the Revised Version, “hope on him,” i.e., a hope based on God. Source: Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary
As God ALWAYS does what he says he will do and Jesus can be believed, the scriptural “hope” is “guaranteed to happen”.
Jesus said it, I believe it, and that settles it! Jesus IS Truth.