Terms Defined: Meek & Humility

Meek =

  • humbly patient or quiet in nature, as in under provocation from others.
  • overly submissive or compliant [not argumentative]; tame, tranquil.
  • Forbearing, uncomplaining, passive, unassuming, pacific [tending to make or preserve peace, not warlike], calm.
  • Obedient
  • Obsolete:  gentle; kind. [probably the Biblical meaning of meek]
  • Word was related to Old Norse mjūkr   amenable;   compare Welsh mwytho   to soften


Humility =

  • modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank, etc.
  • not prideful or arrogant; modest
  • courteously respectful
  • Word was first recorded in 1200–50; Middle English


doormat =

  • a person who offers little resistance to ill-treatment by others.
  • Word was first recorded in 1655–65;



A Christian should be meek and have humility, but not be a doormat.  A Christian needs to be able to withstand temptations [with God’s help] and retain their faith when under influence and duress to not do so.  A Christian needs to NOT be a “go along” person.

Category: Terms Defined