Category Archives: Tips-Ideas

Source of information

Source of information for Topics, My Opinion, Terms, etc usually come from Scripture and Revelations via Holy Spirit, online dictionaries and translation programs, Google Search notations, Christian websites.  All information is consistent with Bible Scripture.

If you want a more verbose presentation of any topic, search the internet for articles on the topic AND do a Bible Scripture search with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Any article you read, verify through Bible Scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit!

I am not a verbose writer or a writer at all.  I usually outline concepts as that is how I think about anything.  Therefore, if you need a more explanatory article [verbose] presentation, you will need to do a personal search of the topic.

Category: Tips-Ideas

Things to Know!

Pray Once for “whatever” and know that God has heard you. If it is in his will to do it, it is right then in process and on the way to you.

Praise God for the things that are in his will and “in process” and “on the way”!

Jesus IS righteous therefore when you are “in” Jesus you are righteous.

Tips-Ideas: Verbose vs quickview topical presentations

This blog is a quick view of topics and NOT a verbose presentation of  anything.  I do not have a skill for literary presentation.   There are many online ministries that have fantastic books on these type of subjects.  They are specific and verbose presentations.  These books often give related information to help explain a topic.  It is very  very suggested that you purchase and read many of them, but make sure  your selection is scriptural based.

Tips-Ideas: Bible Study Tools

Basic Bible Study Tools:

Bible Background Commentary

Bible Dictionary

Bible dictionary

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance

Cross-Referencing Bible

Dictionary of Biblical Imagery

English Dictionary

Interlinear Bible

Maps of Biblical Areas

Study Bible

Taken from The Bible Study
Handbook, by Lindsay Olesberg. Copyright(c) 2012 by Lindsay Olesberg.


Category: Tips-Ideas

Tips-Ideas: Ability-Strength to do God’s Will

Category: Tips-Ideas

Tips-Ideas: Avid Computer Usage with God

As I am an avid computer user and spend a lot of time online, I thought God should be included even in that time.

On my computer, I have a lot of post-its with little messages about God. They can be rolled up and unrolled at will. Every week, I change the unrolled message on display so a new one is visible and roll up the previous one. While using my computer desktop to access programs, usage of browsers searching the internet, or playing a game on my PC [not violent or inappropriate games], I get a glance of the post-it message and God stays current in my thoughts.

Another thing that is nice, is to have the TV on in the background with the channel on a religious program. That way, while I am on my computer, I also get to listen to either music or sermons regarding God.

Basically, I try to not exclude God from my technological life.

Category: Tips-Ideas