Tips-Ideas: Avid Computer Usage with God

As I am an avid computer user and spend a lot of time online, I thought God should be included even in that time.

On my computer, I have a lot of post-its with little messages about God. They can be rolled up and unrolled at will. Every week, I change the unrolled message on display so a new one is visible and roll up the previous one. While using my computer desktop to access programs, usage of browsers searching the internet, or playing a game on my PC [not violent or inappropriate games], I get a glance of the post-it message and God stays current in my thoughts.

Another thing that is nice, is to have the TV on in the background with the channel on a religious program. That way, while I am on my computer, I also get to listen to either music or sermons regarding God.

Basically, I try to not exclude God from my technological life.

Category: Tips-Ideas