Terms: Officiates, Orchestrates, Executes

God the Father Officiates, God the  Son [Jesus] Orchestrates, God the Holy Spirit Executes.

[Definitions per Webster’s Dictionary]

  • Officiates:
  • Holds a  position of authority and responsibility
  • Conducts religious ceremonies
  • Ultimately “In Charge”
  • Orchestrates:
  • To arrange or manipulate especially by means of clever planning or through maneuvering.
  • Executes:
  • To perform or do — as an assigned task


The Expositor’s  New Testiment Ephesians 3: 7-10

Conclusion:  Keep God the Father FIRST always! It  is always God the Father’s Will that  is to be done. Jesus always DID God the Father’s Will.  All  glory goes to God the Father. [according to Jesus]

Category: Terms Defined