Category Archives: Welcome to Site

Is it a sin to obtain assisted termination if you are terminally ill?

Some of us are looking at their own end of life.  We are terminally sick.  At the near end of our life, it is OK to choose to terminate our life with assisted care in a state or country that legally does such assistance.  It is not s sin under these type of circumstances.

I cannot say that Jesus was killed as he “gave up his life for our sins” and paid the sin penalty.  He came to Earth to do such as his purpose for coming [in addition to teaching].

It is NOT OK to end your life for frivolous reasons before our time to die.  However, end of life can be very painful and costly.  You are going to die soon anyway and you have a right to be terminated near your end time.

There are states and countries that do help with assisted termination of life in these circumstances.  I suggest you do so ONLY at the end of your time on Earth and not at the beginning.

Termination of life will be  only a physical death and not a spiritual death — if you are a saved person — so you will still be alive alive in Heaven.


We must live ready for Jesus to return!

We must “live ready” for Jesus to return at the Second Coming!





God is Supreme

Jesus is of the essence of God — in existence, goals, methods, concepts, etc. What Jesus is, God is — so Jesus is an example of what God is.

You believe in Jesus because you believe in God!

God knows more than Jesus [such as when it is time for the Second Coming].  God is Supreme and Jesus said to ALWAYS worship, glorify, follow, trust, and obey God as well as to pray to God alone!  Jesus followed God’s plan even to death, resurrection, interceding, and beyond!

Category: Welcome to Site

Traits of Jesus.

We are suppose to become more like Him.

⦁ Always willingly did/does God’s Will.
⦁ Always trusts God.
⦁ Has faith is in God only.
⦁ Worships only God.
⦁ Prays only to God.
⦁ Focuses on God.
⦁ Believes God.
⦁ Follows the commandments.
⦁ Obedient to God. Did/does what God tells Him to do.
⦁ Serves/served others — [example: Jesus washed Diciples feet]. [died for us/interceeds for us]
⦁ Cares about others well being. [love]
⦁ Is not full of himself — [has reasonable esteem and not enhanced esteem for self]
⦁ Not afraid to lower himself to become a servent in order to save mankind from the penality of sin, be an example, and/or teach mankind God’s way.
⦁ Knew he was/is a child of God and a member of God’s Kingdom.
⦁ Did/does things God’s Way.
⦁ Gave/gives God glory, honor, and praise for everything. — [Does not take for such for himself.]
⦁ Is/was stable and consistent in his faith, beliefs, and focus.
⦁ Is/was disciplined with self contol.
⦁ Is/was not war-like or violent — [only had righeous anger].
⦁ Is/was cognitive and evaluational.
⦁ Had/has a task to do [that God assigned Him] and did/does it.
⦁ Is/was patient.
⦁ Is/was a teacher [explain God’s Way].
⦁ Knows the Word of God — [IS the Word of God].
⦁ He understands complicated issues.
⦁ Thinks as God thinks.
⦁ Does/did not sin.
⦁ Loved and cared for his family.
⦁ Treated women respectfully and with value.
⦁ Takes/took strong action when required [not weak].
⦁ Not afraid to suffer and endure pain and difficulty when necessary to do God’s will.

…….. AND a lot more…….

Book by Turning Point by David Jeremiah
I AM [statements of/by Jesus] Book
[Read the book for full information on each statement.]


The Light of the World.
The Bread of Life.
The Door.
The Good Shepherd.
The Resurrection and the Life.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The True Vine.

Things to Know!

Pray Once for “whatever” and know that God has heard you. If it is in his will to do it, it is right then in process and on the way to you.

Praise God for the things that are in his will and “in process” and “on the way”!

Jesus IS righteous therefore when you are “in” Jesus you are righteous.

Walking in the Spirit

To walk in the Spirit, means that we
            summit to the will of God
            yield to His control,
            follow His lead, &
            allow Him to exert His influence over us.
To walk in the Spirit is the opposite of resisting Him or grieving Him (Ephesians 4:30).

A “walk” in the Bible is often a metaphor for practical daily living. Whole way of life is lived according to the rule of the gospel, as the Spirit moves them toward obedience to God.

Lord, please give me patience, & give it to me ‘right’ NOW !”
This tongue-in-cheek, satirical statement humorously depicts what is so hard about being patient.


  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in love  — they live in love for God and for their fellow man.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in joy — they exhibit gladness in what God has done, is doing, and will do.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in peace — they live worry-free and refuse anxiety (Philippians 4:6).
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in patience — they are known for having a “long fuse” and do not lose their temper.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in kindness — they show tender concern for the needs of others.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in goodness — their actions reflect virtue and holiness.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in faithfulness — they are steadfast in their trust of God and His Word.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in gentleness — their lives are characterized by humility, grace, and thankfulness to God.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in self-control — they display moderation, constraint, & the ability to say “no” to the flesh.

God holds you responsible

We were made by God FOR God! 
WE ARE HELD RESPONSIBLE for doing the following!

  • Recognizing and Repenting your sins
  • Asking to be saved and accepting it from God. Answering God’s call to be saved.
  • Worshiping God alone [Thanking God for 12 things]
  • Praying to God alone
  • Staying in Christ [Walk in the Spirit] [with help of Holy Spirit] [not “falling away” ever]
  • Listening to God through the Holy Spirit
  • Reading and Beliving Scriptures [Let Holy Spirit give revelations] Daily [Confirming everythng through Scriptures]
  • Resisting Temptations [with help of Holy Spirit] and confess & repent quickly if you sin. Do not continue to live in sin.
  • Not being Tricked [with help of Holy Spirit] {God held Adam & Eve for being tricked.}
  • Obeying God [with help of Holy Spirit] — [Doing the Commandments] —  You must be committed to doing whatever it is that God desires for you to do.  Giving forgiveness, accepting forgiveness, and forgiving yourself, too.
  • Letting Go of Control [Letting God Control your life, events, timing, etc] Letting God handle everything! Turning everything over to him. Surrender your will to His.   Letting God work through you to do all he asks you to do.
  • Fighting the Battle of Faith [repenting sins & changing the way you think with help of Holy Spirit] through lifes struggles, persecution [due to belief], and death [due to belief].
  • Taking up the Cross DAILY — be committed and focused on God. Trust, Faith, obedience are a MUST! Waiting for God’s timing. Listening to God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
  • Living your life in all things, events, and situations as the saved child of God – AND not in the ways of the world. Follow God in timing and direction of your ways.
  • Knowing that Cats, Dogs, and Believers are in Heaven doing well and contented and living a pleasant life. There are animals in Heaven.
  • Being contented with what is in your Season of Life. This does not negate working,  creation, etc.
  • Be accepting of your place in God’s Timeline & the events happening at that time slot.
  • Praise God for things he has “On the Way and In Process” when those things are “in His Will to do”.
  • Witnessing of God to others.
  • Praying with the help of Holy Spirit for others and for self. [especially for their salvation and well being]
  • Watching World Events for progression of the “End Time” toward the Rapture and Second Coming. Being constantly ready for the Rapture and End Time.
  • Giving God credit for what He does/did/will do. You should not take credit for what God does/did/will do. [example in Isaiah]
  • Knowing that struggle in the Christian life is inevitable, lifelong, and ultimately beneficial. Being parepared to live accordingly. Knowing you are not on your own, but God is always with you and helps you.
  • Trusting God in all things ‘even when’ you do not understand it or disagree with it. God often uses other [good or bad] people, elements of Earth, animals, events, etc. God has his reasons. Developing stronger — Trust, Respect and Love of God.

“But it’s not a time to complain about it & not a time to get upset about it.  It’s a time to know that you were ‘called’ to be a part of these last days. You get to  have a role in ushering in the second coming of Jesus,” 
End time bad conditions will exist [hopefully some will be saved during such] and the bad conditions will continue & intensify until the  Second Coming  of Jesus. —- People, apparently, need to learn that their bad behavior and bad choices lead to worse behavior and worse choices until life becomes unlivable.
Basically, for you —-   tough shit !   —- suffer and endure,
because it has to be.

  • Understanding that the end time events are not caused by God but by humans and when it gets bad enough that humans will destroy themselves, God will come to save humanity [not all humans as some will reject his salvation] — Apparently, humans need to get to this level of existance [eventual non-existence] before realizing their stupidity & accepting God’s ways.

We are responsible for doing these things, but cannot do them without God’s help, thus, God does them through you via the Holy Spirit’s influence and other methods.  Otherwise they do not get done!

We must “live ready” for Jesus’ return at Second Coming!



Tips-Ideas: Verbose vs quickview topical presentations

This blog is a quick view of topics and NOT a verbose presentation of  anything.  I do not have a skill for literary presentation.   There are many online ministries that have fantastic books on these type of subjects.  They are specific and verbose presentations.  These books often give related information to help explain a topic.  It is very  very suggested that you purchase and read many of them, but make sure  your selection is scriptural based.

Stay continually “in Jesus”.

As I review this blog, there seems to be a lot of stuff to keep in mind to do.  However, the only real  thing you need to actually  do,  is trust and believe in Jesus [“in Jesus”] continually and the rest just  happens.  If you stay “In Jesus” you will be acceptable to God the Father and receive salvation for eternity.

Welcome to Ameigh’s Christian Blog

This site is under updating. See you later.

The “About” page gives a little background of what my basic beliefs are. I am a student not an expert even though I am about 70 years old. My Grandmother during my youth, always said that you never completely know everything the Bible says. Each time you read it, it tells you something more.

Category: Welcome to Site