Walking in the Spirit

To walk in the Spirit, means that we
            summit to the will of God
            yield to His control,
            follow His lead, &
            allow Him to exert His influence over us.
To walk in the Spirit is the opposite of resisting Him or grieving Him (Ephesians 4:30).

A “walk” in the Bible is often a metaphor for practical daily living. Whole way of life is lived according to the rule of the gospel, as the Spirit moves them toward obedience to God.

Lord, please give me patience, & give it to me ‘right’ NOW !”
This tongue-in-cheek, satirical statement humorously depicts what is so hard about being patient.


  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in love  — they live in love for God and for their fellow man.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in joy — they exhibit gladness in what God has done, is doing, and will do.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in peace — they live worry-free and refuse anxiety (Philippians 4:6).
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in patience — they are known for having a “long fuse” and do not lose their temper.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in kindness — they show tender concern for the needs of others.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in goodness — their actions reflect virtue and holiness.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in faithfulness — they are steadfast in their trust of God and His Word.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in gentleness — their lives are characterized by humility, grace, and thankfulness to God.
  • Those who walk in the Spirit walk in self-control — they display moderation, constraint, & the ability to say “no” to the flesh.