Post Index

Hell [awaiting judgement, punishment, and disolvement]
God’s eternal Government
Trinity members are not interchangeable
Are Adam & Eve the first humans created — No
Books: Bible Commentaries
Bibles – Offline
Books: The Cross of Christ Series — Jimmy Swaggart Study Guides
Book: Sanctification
Books: A must to read!
Notes on Book – End Times in Chronological Order
Fate of those who receive the mark of the Beast
Satan’s Timeline [interaction with God]
Observe the Holy Days!
Obeying God’s Law [Commandments]
Last Great Day [ meaning]
Does God torture unsaved forever in Lake of Fire?
7 Deadly sins
Article: “Can a Christian lose salvation?”
Who/What is God?
Books —
Book — The Great Disappearance
There are FOUR Resurrections
Terms Defined: Theocracy
Is it a sin to obtain assisted termination if you are terminally ill?
Source of information
Love vs Trust of God
How to deal with the inevitable worsening political/economic/cultural conditions as well as the fast-approaching tribulation.
Forgiveness from God, Forgiveness of Others, Forgiveness of Self
Lord’s Prayer — with meaning
New Jerusalem Coming Down in Final Heaven
6th day creation of humans [before 8th day creation of Adam and Eve]
Are there Aliens [not of Earth]
God’s time is linear
Terms Defined: Trinity Positions [the way God Almighty created it]
Terms Defined: Meek & Humility
Terms Defined: Scriptural [Translated] words I prefer to use instead
Abortion [pro or anti]
Pre-birth, Babies, and Children [before cognitive abilities] – Go to Heaven if they die.
Will people be Vegetarians in the New Earth Heaven?
What does it mean to be an overcomer?
The coming of the New Jerusalem to the New Earth
New Heavens and New Earth physicality
Do NOT worship Jesus, but worship God [Almighty] only!
Marriage translated into “joined/reconciled”
Is there sex in Heaven or on the New Earth in Eternity?
Eternal punishment — in the lake of Fire for the unsaved.
What is the meaning of your life?
Do sinners in Hell get tortured? — NO!
Where is Paradise [saved believers] today?
Books of Enock [Book I-5]
World Leaders in it for themselves
Day of Salvation
To whom are you servants?
It does not matter if people leave a Church. It does matter if people leave God.
Have a greater sense of purpose!
Christian persecution higher than ever!
Christian Nationalism NOT Biblical!
We must live ready for Jesus to return!
God is Supreme
Traits of Jesus.
Things to Know!
Walking in the Spirit
God holds you responsible
Book: Animals Go to Heaven
Link: Glorifed Bodies Are?
Terms: Repentance
Our Three Bodies – for those that are SAVED
What is the body of a believer who goes to Heaven before the Rapture/Resurrection? What is the “Transitional Post Human”?
How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?
Terms: Officiates, Orchestrates, Executes
Quenching the Spirit
Book: Mystery of the Ages by Herbert Armstrong
Bible Gateway — Bible Searches
Definition: worm shall not die
2nd Coming vs Satan vs Our OWN Government
We cannot earn anything from God.
Pets go to Heaven
Pets go to Heaven
Timeline: 4000BC thru now
Timeline: Old Testament vs Secular History
Timeline: Bible
Timeline: Poster $$ and Free
Discovery Channel Accuracy?
Topic: Who blinds or hardens unbelievers heart?
Is there another point of time one can be saved?
Does God always heal when we request it?
Tips-Ideas: Verbose vs quickview topical presentations
True Repentance
Stay continually “in Jesus”.
How to cultivate Joy
Righteousness and Obedience
Be not of this World!
What is God’s Will for Your Life?
Giving Thanks to God [12 things]
Living for God
Self-control vs under total control of God
Sustain Your Faith
A Letter from God!
Believe in ONE God-Trinity
God’s Time Line
Tips-Ideas: Bible Study Tools
Demon/Satan possession vs Human Generated Mind Control
People are experimenting with different ways of controlling the minds of humans
Murmuring and Complaining
Definition: of Peace
What is God’s PEACE
Tips-Ideas: Ability-Strength to do God’s Will
Ministries: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries
Books: What is Heaven Like
Abortion – pro choice
Definition: ENTER INTO
Definition: Success
Definition: Hope
Tips-Ideas: Avid Computer Usage with God
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