Category Archives: Bible Topics

God’s Time Line

We are FAR into the 5th SEAL.

6th SEAL will have huge earthquakes, vocano eruptions and lots of debris from outer space. AntiChrist appears somewhere within the 6th Seal.

Rev 6:7-19

Fifth Seal: The Cry of the Martyrs

9 When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.


Another point that comes to mind is, although religion will flourish during the tribulation period, it will be a Christ-less religious system. I think it is safe to say, at this point in the tribulation period, all indications suggest that all who name the name Jesus will be considered an enemy to those on the earth.

Category: Bible Topics

Demon/Satan possession vs Human Generated Mind Control

There is a vast difference between demon/Satan possession and human generated mind control.  Human mind control includes self-control, and outside groups.  Demon/Satan possession includes Satan’s  influence, demon posession, and evil spirit influence.

Satan does not do human possession.   He tricks, infuences, enhances, twists, confuses, etc.  He roams the Earth.  He wants you to NOT follow or listen to God or God’s Will. Satan knows your complience has to be of your free-will choice.   Both God and Satan adhear to having human’s free-will choice to  follow them or not.

Demons/evil spirits possess humans and seem to be incompatible with the human.   Demon/evil spirits possession in scriptures and even now seem to create a very bad physical effect on the human body and mind.  In fact, the effect on scriptural pigs was fatal to the pigs. Demon/evil spirits don’t seem to need human’s to make a free will choice. However a free-will choice to believe and follow God through Jesus [accepting Jesus as your Savior] terminates demon/evil spirit possession.  Jesus often made demon/evil spirits leave the human.  If the Holy Spirit [through accepting Jesus as your Saviour] moved in then the demons/evil spirits could not move back in.  However, if the human did not accept Jesus as Saviour and receive  the Holy Spriit, then the human was empty and the demon/evil spirits could return.

Human mind control [outside-control or self-control] is influence based – either from self or outside groups. The human may or may not realize or know that they are being controled through such influence. Such influence can be either individual or mass presented. Humans often do not ahear to the free-will of the individual. Power and economics are often the goal.

Category: Bible Topics

People are experimenting with different ways of controlling the minds of humans

Science, government, military groups are experimenting with different ways of controlling the minds of humans. They are also using college/university students in their experimentation [upon and/or helpers]. Some of the concepts they are working to develope are wicrowave messages, electronic methods of input/output, implantation of devices, sound [heard and sub-hearing], subliminal messaging, input during sleep, misinformation through media, and many other methods.

The people that will ultimately be in control of any successul method will not be the people that are responsible or ethical in behavior or goals.  Even if there are good uses for such control of the human being, ultimately the good uses will be turned to very bad usages by bad people — at the very least non-Christian’s with selfish reasons.

Question: How does a Christian “practicing” Believer think and act upon God’s Will instead of the Worldly will? How will the Christain Believer even hear the Holy Spirit with all the interference? How will a human have the capability of free will to make a choice for or against accepting Jesus as their Saviour?

The human being has a difficult time controling themselves without interference from mind control from the outside from human sources let alone from Satan and his followers.  A Christian Believer  has to overcome the World influences and their own flesh [sin] nature with the help of the Holy Spirit.

If without the knowledge of the human, input successfully changes how that human feels, thinks, or acts, how can that human overcome and not have such happen.  If such happens, how can the controlled human deal with it, overcome it, and understand it within the concepts of their Faith and “practicing”  Christian beliefs.

Question: So why does outside control oten work on a person without the person’s knowledge or permission or cooperation? even a Christian person. Why is it not recognized as incorrect [contrary to a person’s behavior or God’s desire for that person’s behavior] and overridden by the person being controlled without their knowledge or permission or even with such but un-overridden?


The people seeking mind control of massive groups of others are considering putting out such control through a massive network of distribution [like radio waves, but not actually radio waves] from distribution points.  These people are very open and public about their search for such a method of control and distribution of control. They want to tell such groups how to feel, think, and who to hate or like.  They want to consistently override what a person  actually thinks or feels without that persons realization or consent.

It is bad enough to have the News, information, pictures, camera angles, video games, movies,music,  articles, etc to spin/slant how people think. Massive mind control would be even harder to overcome.

Concepts to Know:

1. God made the human body and how it functions. The functions operate the way they operate for a reason that God had in their creation. Man wants to misappropriate the functioning methods for their own useage even without the permission of the person having their functions misused for other purposes than for which God created them.

2. God controls everything at all times. He has power over everything. He decides for His own reasons as to what He allows or does not allow. [or reprecuctions thereof]

3. God has given you power over all your enemies. Use it. Let it comfort you. [Murry on Shepard’s Chapel]

4. Assumption that you know doctrine and have strong [the level you are capable of having] Faith and Trust in God.

5. God only allows what you can handle.

6. I want the situation to change or stop. God wants the situation to change me or teach me something He wants me to be or learn. I think it is a miracle if the situation changes. God thinks it is a miracle if the situation does not bother or affect me anymore.

7. God always provides a way out of any temptation or bad situation He knows you cannot handle.


With help of the Holy Spirit:

1. Need to recognize incorrect input or emphasing of a wrong way to feel in significant moments of time. Before
action or reaction occurs.

2. Need to have discipline of conteracting and not giving in when bombarded repetitively with wrong input — even if un-realized or un-heard and even if one is tired or sick.

3. Sometimes wrong input or emphasis might be within the way one is feeling at the time anyway and such input enhances such to a level of a person acting on such when they should not. Need to recognize the enhancement and emphasis or repetitive looping created by outside force and override such with decreasing the level of actual thoughts or feelings.

4. Turn it over to God to handle it ……… Trust Him to handle it ……….. Have Faith and don’t worry about it. 
Recognize it, don’t process it,  don’t act on it,  don’t react to it,  and don’t  decide about it. Recognize it and turn it over to God for Him to deal with it.

5. God uses all things [even bad things] for your good [if you are a believer/child of God].]

6. Ask God for help in dealing with it [prayer]. Spend more time with God and studying his Word. Trust God completely and absolutely.



Phrasing, words/vocabulary, feelings, emotions, little things – silly things, actions, behavior.  Things that  progress a step at a time.

One still has to often listen to such, but such should not come out of one’s mouth or actions.

Category: Bible Topics

Murmuring and Complaining

a mumbled or private expression of discontent;  to speak in a low tone or indistinctly.

an expression of discontent, regret, pain, censure, resentment, or grief; lament; fault finding:



When murmuring occurs in the Bible Scriptures, those murmuring are rejecting God/Jesus and trying to replace him or remove him or his influenence.  They wanted to choose a leader to lead them back to captivity in Egypt.

In Heaven, the complaining or the Angels led to the action of trying to overthrow God and replace Him with Saton whom they thought would be a better leader.

When the Jewish Religious Leaders murmured, they wanted to terminate Jesus’ influence on the people and replace Him with their own influence for reasons of power and greed.

When murmur ocurs in the Scriptures, the murmur is against God’s Will and/or against God/Jesus.

We all complain about things and may even find things in Heaven in Eternity that we wish were different;  however, such a compaint should NOT be against God’s Will or to replace Him with something else.

You can bring a problem to God and discuss it with Him respectively presenting your viewpoint, but His decision is final and best for you as well as compatible with God’s Will.  God knows what is best and considers results, and long term effects which we cannot — now or in eternity.


Bible Search Source:

Definition of Words:

Exodus 15:24
Exodus 16:2
Exodus 16:7
Exodus 16:8
Exodus 16:9
Exodus 16:12
Exodus 17:3
Numbers 14:2
Numbers 14:27
Numbers 14:29
Numbers 14:36
Numbers 16:11
Numbers 16:41
Numbers 17:5
Numbers 17:10
Deuteronomy 1:27
Joshua 9:18
Psalm 106:25
Isaiah  29:24
Matthew 20:11
Mark  14:5
Luke 5:30
Luke 15:2
Luke 19:7
John 6:41

What is God’s PEACE

Joyce Meyers article on God’s  Peace explains God’s kind of Peace.

Abortion – pro choice

Category: Bible Topics