There are many versions of Bible Translations. It is good to use more than one version as different versions word [translate] a scripture a little differently. It helps to have scripture presented in different ways as long as the message remains the same. If a version is vastly different do more research.
If one has the possibility [which I do not] of being able to read the original language that the Bible is written, one can search the original text. However, I have to rely on translations that exist today written in English.
The ones I use [other than the ones online] are:
- King James Version [The Expositor’s Study Bible] published by Jimmy Swaggart – published in 2005
- King James Version [old English with thou and thee] published by Holman — published 1989
- King James Version [uses modern English] published by Nilion — published 2003
- New International Version published by Zondervan — published 1984
- Living Bible Paraphrased published by Tyndale — published 1971
- Living Bible Paraphrased [Resource Version] published by Tyndale — published 1976
- Jeremiah Study Bible [I have not purchased it yet, but intend to do so – It has his study notes] – published by Jeremiah