Category Archives: My Opinion

Does God torture unsaved forever in Lake of Fire?

Above is the link to a great booklet that covers Heaven and Hell.  Especially, read pages 15-28 about Hell.

In my opinion, I think it is a great writeup of the information in easy-to-understand format and wording.

It, also, clears up “why the new Jersuleum” comes down to the “new Heaven”.  When God melts Earth with great heat, the saved in their immortal bodies will need to be somewhere until Earth is renewed to a pristine state.


By the way pages 12-14 are poorly written about death.  Saved Human Spirits return to God in Heaven.  Saved Earthly body returns to the soil.  At the Rapture, when Jesus calls,  saved Spirit Bodies join with the saved Spirit that is in Heaven and the saved receive their “Glorified Immortal Bodies with their Spirit. All who are saved then return to Heaven and at the time of Jesus’ return to Earth at the beginning of the Millennium return with Him to Earth during that time.  This process is Biblical.  You can research it.  Start in Ecc 12:7.

When reading any written articles [especially Beyond Today], look up all scriptures given and also do your own research of ALL scriptures on the topic.  This advice includes this Blog.

Love vs Trust of God

Love of God is important and necessary, but Trust of God is more significant.

Trust is why one follows anyone.  If you love a human, you would not automatically follow that human.  However, if you fully trust the human, you would most likely follow them.

Love might be why you would want to be with anyone, but you can love someone and not be or want to be with them.  You can love someone and not trust them.

Jesus often talks of “if you love me, you will…….”.  However, I am sure that he is also including love AND trust in His meaning. One would want to please someone only because they love AND trust that someone.



Love = to have a warm personal attachment to or deep affection for

Trust = reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence; confident expectation of something; hope.

Agape = Agape is almost always used to describe the love that is of and from God, whose very nature is love itself: “God is love” (1 John 4:8). God does not merely love; He is love. Everything God does flows from His love. Agape is also used to describe our love for God (Luke 10:27), a servant’s faithful respect to his master (Matthew 6:24), and a man’s attachment to things (John 3:19) Agape love is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. You can follow God & Jesus with agape love as they ARE truth and trustworthy.

Category: My Opinion

How to deal with the inevitable worsening political/economic/cultural conditions as well as the fast-approaching tribulation.


  1. Become a Christian and maintain a continual solid [real] relationship that is right with God through Jesus and with guidance of the holy Spirit.
  2. Recognize and accept mentally/emotionally that the tribulation and final events are the fault of humans and not God. God is trying to give everyone a chance to be saved.  He has utilized every way to do so by the time of the end of the Millennium.   By the time of the White Throne Judgement or their own Earthly death, it is too late for humans to be saved and they are going into judgement, punishment, and the final death in the Lake of Fire.
    1. Some humans need this experience [tribulation] to accept salvation and Jesus as King of Kings.
    2. Unsaved humans [who reject God’s salvation] need to perish [some through stupidity and some through the desire to do extreme evil].
    3. The tribulation and end-time events are the “daisy chain” results of human behavior.
  3. The tribulation and end-time events ARE going to happen.
    1. Realize that as a “practicing” Christian, a Christian cannot slow down the progression, stop the progression, or keep anyone from experiencing the end-time-events [if they are still alive].
    2. Young children, animals, teenagers, young adults, adults, and Cosmos/Earth itself ARE going to go through it [if they are alive at the time].
    3. Christians and other humans should not try to enhance, speed up the timeline of events, or encourage human behavior to start or make it worse.
    4. Fallen Angels and Satan are making tribulation events [and even now] worse through influence of World Leaders and general people.
      1. technology
      2. concepts
      3. enhanced greed, selfishness, control issues, power, wanting other nations/people stuff and resources, violence, war, etc.
      4. strategies, threats, propaganda, etc.
  4. Struggle in the Christian life is inevitable, lifelong, and ultimately beneficial.
    1. Christians encounter God’s grace through trials in ways that would not happen if the trials had not come in the first place.
    2. Christians must be committed to doing whatever He desires done.
  5. Know that living Christians will be “Raptured” before the worst of the tribulation time-line events.  Living Christians who are alive at the Millennium and those who accept Jesus as King of Kings [repent and become saved — like Israel and Arab Nations] will have endured and survived the tribulation events.



{It should be noted that the World is already in the end-times at some period of the time line.}

  1. Become a Christian and maintain a continual solid [real] relationship that is right with God through Jesus and with guidance of the holy Spirit.
  2. Prayer for as many humans as possible to repent and become saved.
  3. Prayer for Christians to keep their faith and hope throughout everything [no matter what they endure or others endure, be prepared to do it forever].
  4. Prayer for self and loved ones to endure the end-times [if they are alive].
  5. Be committed to doing whatever God desires to be done or endured. [Do God’s Will and work/tasks.]
  6. Study scriptures and watch World events as they happen. Do NOT be caught unaware or unready at the Rapture or Second Coming. [Don’t get caught up in being busy in the World and lose the relationship with God.]
  7. Share faith and hope [“the good news of God”] with others when it can be done.
  8. Accept that God Almighty IS IN CHARGE even though humans are at fault for the events about to happen [through their rebellion, selfishness, control issues, etc.].
  9. Although the end-time events should not be looked forward to [Compassion would make us not look forward to this time-period.], a Christian can look forward to the final Eternal Heaven on Earth when it is all over and God’s Kingdom arrives in totality.
  10. Realize that God is with Christians through the tribulation period experienced and in compassion for those who must suffer in an unsaved condition. He wants to save as many people as possible.
  11. Praise God [Turn any complaints into positive praise of God.] and be glad He wants to save as many people as possible.  Worship is an extreme form of love — it’s a type of unquestioning devotion. If you worship God, then you love and TRUST God so much that you don’t question him at all.
Category: My Opinion

Forgiveness from God, Forgiveness of Others, Forgiveness of Self

1. Forgiveness from God
• a. It is easier to ask and receive forgiveness from God than others or self.
• b. God forgives totally and wipes if off your record in Heaven. He forgets it completely.
• c. How to get forgiveness from God.
i. recognize your sin/trespass,
ii. confess your sins with a repentant heart,
iii. sincerely ask God through prayer via Holy Spirit for His
forgiveness [ask God for forgiveness NOT to excuse you,
iiii. change our attitude/thoughts toward that sin
[repent and realize the sin is a sin],
iv. change your behavior [try not to do that sin again
with help of Holy Spirit],
v. and walk in “the Spirit” by listening to the Holy Spirit guide you
vi. while continually learning and refreshing your
faith through scriptures.
• d. Realize that ashes and sackcloth or dramatics won’t help, but a simple prayer to God will.
• e. Punishing yourself will not help.

2. Forgiveness of Others
• a. You can forgive others, but
i. do not require others to forgive you,
ii. do not require them to recognize they need forgiveness
from you,
iii. or do not require them to accept forgiveness from you.
[Sometimes, it is better to not approach them with forgiveness,
but forgive them within yourself instead.]
• b. Stop replaying what happened or going over the trespasses of others.
i. Forgive others and move on in you life even if the trespass has
damaged you or your life and you have to endure the results thereof.
[In some cases, “victim therapy” may help as well.
Go to a victim therapist if God sends you to one and let God guide it.]
ii. Don’t keep dragging the trespass out of the timeline and don’t keep
holding it up as what happened in the past.
iii. Leave it in the timeline and be willing to be vulnerable in the
present and future.
[However, use common sense.
As an example: Don’t let a known ax-murder or rapist into your
home/life knowingly. Don’t leave your children in the care of a known
person suffering from Pedophilia.  You can forgive from a distance.]
• c. Forgive others as often as needed even if for the same trespass.
• d. Pray for the person who hurt you.
• e. Try to undo the harm and/or repair the relationship.
• f. Let go of the hurt.
i. Letting go of hurt does not mean it was OK for it to have
occurred no matter how many times it happens to people on Earth.
Wrong doing still remains wrong doing.
ii. Also, the World inhabitants may not know right from wrong or even
care, but it is important that YOU know wrong is wrong.]
• g. Remember God says “It is foolish and stupid to anger quickly”.
i. [Remember that some people cannot be dealt with no matter
what and it is their fault not yours. It is actually foolish and stupid
to try to do so.
ii. Spend your time in a more productive and positive way.]
• Don’t let bad/evil/sinful people change who you are and what you think as well as your behavior. Only God through the Holy Spirit should be changing you to be more God-like in character.

3. Forgiveness of Self
• a. Forgiving yourself is the hardest thing to do.
• b. Recognize you need for forgive yourself and your emotions regarding it.
• c. Accept responsibility for your part in the thing that you need to forgive.
• d. Think things through and acknowledge the pain created.
• e. Show yourself compassion. Let go of the pain and guilty thoughts.
• f. Be open and honest with God through prayer and admit that you have made mistakes.
• g. Once you have confessed your sins [having remorse], ask for help and forsake [set it aside, be done with, be finished with it] them.
• h. If possible, you should repair the damage your actions have caused.
• i. Remember God has forgiven you. [Assumes you asked God to forgive you for what you have done.]
• j. Stop replaying what happened.
• k. Tell yourself that you are sorry.
• l. Learn from the experience and grow as a person.
• m. Go on with your life. The thing is now in your past timeline only.
• n. Punishing yourself will not help.


If you need scripture for any of this, you can research it through your Bible or use Online Bibles or Christian websites.

Remember God uses whatever He chooses to help us learn a lesson or complete a goal He has regarding us.  Let God guide you through the Holy Spirit [which you receive upon receiving salvation through Jesus.]

Category: My Opinion

New Jerusalem Coming Down in Final Heaven

Although this does not affect receiving salvation, in Scripture, the New Jerusalem comes down to Earth and God/Jesus/Angels, etc thereafter reside therein with other nations coming and going from it bring goods and resources to the city.

The Final Heaven of Eternity comes after the conclusion of the 1000 year period of Jesus’ reign, the White Throne Judgement, Hell and sinners into the Lake of Fire, etc.  The Earth has been renewed into the New Earth.

Thus, it is my opinion that all life is removed from the old Earth and the old Earth is renewed via melting of the elements into the New Earth.  It seems logical that Angels, Jesus, God, Saints are most likely on the New Jerusalem somewhere in Current [now] Heaven until the New Earth is ready for re-population by the coming down of New Jerusalem.  How God does all this is, of course, unknown.  Maybe the 1000 year saved receive their “glorified bodies” during this time period.

Anyway, logic seems that what comes down must have first been up in order to come down.

It should be noted also that even though God Almighty [God the Father] resides on Earth with His people, He is not necessarily exclusive to Earth alone.  He is omnipresent.

[Omnipresent, ubiquitous refer to the quality of being everywhere. Omnipresent emphasizes in a lofty or dignified way the power, usually divine, of being present everywhere at the same time, as though all-enveloping: Divine law is omnipresent.]

Category: My Opinion

6th day creation of humans [before 8th day creation of Adam and Eve]

Those alive before Adam and Eve had the internal knowledge of right and wrong [often did not listen to it though], they did not have the laws [Commandments of God], were able to see that God existed through the knowledge of animals, Earth, Sky, Heavens, Sun, Moon, plants, etc.; thus, they had the ability to choose to believe in God Almighty.  They did not know of Jesus or the Holy Spirit and, thus, the Trinity. Humans are born with a conscious but often choose to ignore it.

If these 6th day humans believed in God and wanted to please him, they would have upon death gone to wait Judgement Day and been given the same choice to accept Jesus when he died/arose and moved Paradise to Heaven thus being also saved just as Abraham, etc. were. However, these humans probably did not make this choice as God then made Adam and Eve to guide all humans to live for God.  Unfortunately, Adam and Eve fell into sin.

Bottom line:  It is most likely the 6th day creation humans were not saved at any point.  It seems that humans were mostly into idols of some kind instead.

Category: My Opinion

Are there Aliens [not of Earth]

If you believe in God and the Scriptures, then the answer has to be YES.  Also, God has the capability to create any being He chooses wherever He chooses and he has had millions of years or longer to do so – so who knows if there are more or not.  When we get to Heaven, we can ask Him, if we want to do so. By the way, God is not any old alien, He is God Almighty and in charge of the Universe and beyond.

  • Heaven past and present [now] is not on Earth.  God resides currently in present Heaven.
  • Heaven past and present has created beings around the throne of God.
  • Heaven past and present has uncountable number of [good] Angels.
  • Satan [Angel] was in past Heaven and was thrown out of Heaven to Earth.
  • Angels [rebellion of Satan/Angels] were in past Heaven and were thrown out of Heaven to Earth.
  • On Earth there are currently Demons [deceased Giants/children of Angels and human women].
  • On Earth there are Familiar Spirits.
  • Currently saved people [souls] are in present [now] Heaven.


God, Satan, and Angels came from Heaven to Earth and returned to Earth in past Heaven.  It is possible that currently Angels come to/from Earth as well.  The Holy Spirit is within Saved Humans and the Holy Spirit is of God.

Satan and Fallen Angels are aliens and no longer of God although God is still “IN CHARGE” and they know it even if humans often do not know it.  Thus, one could just call the Fallen Angels and Satan just “Aliens” as they are not “of Earth” but do come/go to/from Earth even today in the time-line.

Category: My Opinion

Abortion [pro or anti]

Scriptures are not anti-abortion.  However, a baby does become [usually] a life form at 13-26 weeks in the womb when it gets the breath of life.  God does consider the woman at the same level of importance as an unborn baby.

  • A baby gets the breath of life at 13-26 weeks in the womb.
  • Do not use God or Scriptures for your purpose [For or Against Abortion].  Scriptures are to be used to do God’s Will not ours.  God does not say to not get or to get an abortion.


Abortion is a human political consideration not a God consideration especially before the 13th week of a baby in the womb. God made man [humans] and then breathed the breath of life into its body. Also, God would consider the health of the woman and baby as  well as many other criteria.

It should be known that God can have a baby born if he so chooses [for that entity to be born] even if by a different woman.  God has ultimate control of everything.

Aborted babies return to God in Heaven.

Category: My Opinion

Pre-birth, Babies, and Children [before cognitive abilities] – Go to Heaven if they die.

Based on Ps. 8: 2, Luke 1:18, Jer 1:15, Matt 9: 13-14, and Jesus’ attitude toward children, I believe that Pre-birth, Babies, and small children [before cognitive abilities] who die go to Heaven.

It is also good to have a newborn baptized in the name of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit upon birth as well as being a child of Christian parents.

If I became pregnant, I think it would be good for me to talk to my unborn child of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as well as pray that God would bless the baby.  Once the child was born, I would start at birth to inform it of God and Jesus [at a Child’s level] and also pray that God bless the child.

Category: My Opinion

The coming of the New Jerusalem to the New Earth

Based on the fact that New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven adorned as a bride of Christ [the bride is the Church so the saved in glorified bodies are there as member of the Church] and based on the fact that the old Earth is made new by melting of the elements,

I believe that after the White Throne Judgement, stripes, and unsaved into the Lake of Fire, that the saved and good angels are taken to present Heaven [probably to the New Jerusalem in Heaven and old Earth is renewed via melting of elementsThen when the New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven to the New Earth, it will include saved glorified bodies, good Angels, and Jesus.  God Almighty will take up a residence in the New Jerusalem and glorified saved and Angels will be his people under Jesus as King of Kings.  Jesus ALWAYS does the Will of God so ultimately God Almighty rules.

The saved in glorified bodies and good Angels reside in New Jerusalem and some move out into other areas of Earth and rule those areas under the leadership and Kingship of Jesus.  Probably some will even settle on other planets.

However, during the melting of the elements of Earth, God Almighty could do a phase transition of the Universe — after the “Lake of Fire” disposal of unsaved and before the “landing of the New Jerusalem”.  — God has that level of power, if he chose to do so.

Category: My Opinion