The book “End Times in Chronological Order” by Ron Rhodes is a very good book to read for an understanding of the End Times.
However, some notes or corrections are listed below:
Page 210 in Book “ End Times in Chronological Order” by Ron Rhodes
God never gave or gives the unsaved immortality so they are never imperishable. When thrown into the Lake of Fire after judgement and punishment [stripes], they will burn up and die never to be again. However, their destroyed body will always remain in the Lake of Fire.
However, some more evil unsaved may take longer to burn up than the less evil unsaved when cast into the Lake of Fire.
However, Angels [Fallen] and demons are immortal/imperishable and will be alive in the Lake of Fire forever tormented and suffering.
Jesus always did/does/will do God the Father’s Will [God Almighty]. God the Father placed Jesus as King of Kings and had Angels under Jesus as King of Kings. God the Father gave Jesus his powers and authority both in Heaven and on Earth. Satan tried to get Jesus to do Satan’s will instead, but Jesus said to Satan that God the Father’s Will only is to be done no matter what the reward. [Satan tried to bribe Jesus to do his will.]
Jesus always prayed to God the Father and instructed his disciples [and us] to do the same. The Lord’s Prayer in the Bible is an example he gave to the disciples.
Jesus understood why people tried to worship him, but he never acknowledged it or reprimanded it. Jesus always channeled it to God the Father. He also channeled glory and honor to God the Father.
Thus, we [humans], are to do God the Father’s Will by believing and following Jesus as our Savior [Jesus paid the sin penalty for us.] We are to worship, glorify, honor God the Father through Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will always channel such worship, glory, honor, etc to God the Father. When we bow to Jesus, we are actually bowing to God the Father via Jesus.
Jesus is diety, and through him is the only way to be acceptable
to God the Father [who should be worshiped only].
Jesus is the son of man and the Son of God the Father.
Jesus is powerful, but God the Father is the SUPREME God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in SYNC in goal, will, concept, and behavior.
God the Father Officiates… [ conducts, referees, divine overseer, highest in rank-athority-power, final say-responsibility]
God the Son Orchestrates & Fullfills … [directs, engineers, masterminds, organizes, intermediary, fullfills
— according to God the Father’s will]
— Jesus is the high priest and king of kings to us within God the Father’s will. Jesus is in our Hearts via the Holy Spirit which he asked God The Father to send to us as a helper and comforter {after Jesus Ascended to Heaven}. Jesus is the Son of God the Father and we are a family member to him.
God the Holy Spirit Executes … [helper, convictor, comforter]
Pages 131-134 in Book “ End Times in Chronological Order” by Ron Rhodes
Billy Graham in his book “Angels” published 1994, states on page 68 that Satan and his angels fell from Heaven prior to the tempting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
I think it does not specifically say in the Bible where Satan was thrown out of Heaven.
Satan’s early fall occurred before the creation of time, when he was cast out of God’s immediate presence and into the second heaven. This fall is symbolically described in Isaiah 14:12–14 and Ezekiel 28:12–18 Satan in Cosmos.
2450 BC Noah timeline [Angels on Earth, Giants from their children, Flood] and Angels disobeyed God and came to Earth to join with women. So Angels and Satan were rebellious at this time period.
However, I know Satan interacted with God in relation to Job 1200 BC.
Satan had dominion on Earth and tried to bribe Jesus in the desert. So ……… I think sometime between the two he was thrown out of Heaven itself [place/location] into the heavens [lower heavens and Earth]. Rev 12 seems to indicate it was just prior to Jesus’s birth.} Satan seems to interact with Earth since before Jesus in the desert and into end of tribulation. He does not seem to interact with God during that time. [Other than to be moved from cosmos and to Earth and he is limited by God in what he can do.] After the desert temptations, he does not interact with Jesus.
Interactive Communication between Satan and God exists up until mid-tribulation and then God terminates Satan’s communication with God. During this time Satan and his angels do not live in or have access to Heaven [place], but Satan does have the ability to be in the presence of God where he accuses God’s people of whatever he can. Satan is limited by God as to what Satan can do.
Satan ends up being moved by Angels to the bottomless pit at beginning of 1000 yr reign of Jesus Christ. Satan later is released to lead a rebellion on Earth. Then, Satan is throw into the Lake of Fire by Angels. [He remains there forever alive and never interacts again with humans, God or God’s Angels, or with Jesus.]
The above is the only way I can make sense of references of Satan being thrown to Earth during the Tribulation. I am still researching it. Trying to make sense of parts of the Tribulation in God’s timeline.