I think it does not specifically say in the Bible where Satan was thrown out of Heaven.
However, I know he interacted with God in relation to Job. Satan had dominion on Earth and tried to bribe Jesus in the desert. So ……… I think sometime between the two he was thrown out of Heaven itself [place/location] into the heavens [cosmos external to Heaven itself]. Rev 12 seems to indicate it was just prior to Jesus’s birth.} Billy Graham in his book “Angels” published 1994, states on page 68 that Satan and his angels fell from Heaven prior to the tempting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Then at some point was cast to Earth from that location. Satan seems to interact with Earth since before Jesus in the desert and into end of tribulation. He does not seem to interact with God during that time. [Other than to be moved from cosmos and to Earth] After the desert temptations, he does not interact with Jesus.
However, Interactive Communication between Satan and God exists up until mid-tribulation and then God terminates Satan’s communication with God. During this time Satan and his angels do not live in or have access to Heaven [place], but Satan does have the ability to be before God where he accuses God’s people of whatever he can.
Note: Humans who are alive can talk to God through prayer, etc, and we are not living in Heaven, yet.
Satan ends up being moved by Angels to the bottomless pit. He later is released to lead a rebellion on Earth. Then, Satan is throw into the Lake of Fire by Angels. [He remains there forever alive and never interacts again with humans, God or God’s Angels, or with Jesus.]
The above is the only way I can make sense of references of Satan being thrown to Earth during the Tribulation. I am still researching it. Trying to make sense of parts of the Tribulation in God’s timeline.