Who/What is God?

For the traits of God Almighty, read the “traits of Jesus” topic as he and God have the same traits and character.

God Almighty is a “spirit being” and not flesh and blood.  What “spirit being” means no one knows specifically.  However, God’s physical form exhibits intense bright light and high “energy” levels.  He has substance, mass, and form.  He is immortal under ALL circumstances.  He always was, always is, and always will be.

He thinks, evaluates, considers, decides, leads, knows everything, and has great powers.  He has compassion and mercy.  He loves, cares, forgives, and understands.

In the Trinity He Officiates = GOD THE FATHER/GOD ALMIGHTY
presides, commands, directs, governs, controls, compels, guides, reigns, has authority, supervises, leads, authorizes, appoints, imposes, grants, instructs, requires, manages, oversees, approves/disapproves, and has ultimate control/power. All worship, prayer, glory, praise, and thanks goes to God the Father and “HE” gives glory and praise to whom he chooses.

Category: Bible Topics