There are FOUR Resurrections

There are FOUR resurrections:

  1.  1st resurrection:  saved through Christ before death but who have died before the rapture occurs.  Saved [are upon their Earthly death] in Paradise which was moved from inside Earth to Heaven upon Jesus Christ death at Calvary and His resurrection.
  2. 2nd resurrection:  saved through Christ alive at His coming to gather those who are alive at his coming in the clouds.  Those who are already dead in Paradise receive their “glorified bodies and immorality” first and then those saved who are gathered alive from Earth receive their “glorified bodies and immorality”.]  All return to Paradise in Heaven for the “marriage feast” of Christ and the Church Bride.
  3.  3rd resurrection:  saved during Tribulation [upon their death] and those saved during 1000 year reign of Christ on Earth.  They receive their “glorified bodies and immorality” upon Tribulation death or st end of the 1000 yrs. [Saved are those who are saved through Jesus Christ and did not worship the beast or his image AND had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. — “don’t think his way or do his works”.]
  4. 4th resurrection:  UNSAVED dead in Hell and those UNSAVED alive on Earth at end of 1000 year reign Jesus Christ.  Those who died unsaved during the Tribulation or during 1000 yr reign of Jesus Christ go to Hell before this resurrection.  All unsaved in Hell will go to the White Throne Judgement, Stripes punishment, and disposal in Lake of Fire, thus, to be no more — ever.  UNSAVED do not get a “glorified body or immortality”.  UNSAVED join with their spiritual body [which has substance] en-route to White Throne Judgement. Try not to be in this one.

— II Corinthians 5:6-8 states that upon death, saved will be with the Lord in Heaven, upon death our bodies go into the grave.  Saved receive their glorified immortal bodies later.

—- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 states that glorified bodies and immortality are obtained [for those dead & in Heaven and those alive and gathered at the rapture] at the time of the rapture with those dead & in Heaven receiving such first and then those alive & gathered thereafter………..It should be noted that at this time our Spirit is joined with our Spirit body for a glorified body and given immortality. How, only God knows.]

—- It should be noted that those saved dead in Tribulation and those who are saved in 1000 yr reign receive their glorified bodies at a separate time than those gathered in rapture.

Category: Bible Topics