Is it a sin to obtain assisted termination if you are terminally ill?

Some of us are looking at their own end of life.  We are terminally sick.  At the near end of our life, it is OK to choose to terminate our life with assisted care in a state or country that legally does such assistance.  It is not s sin under these type of circumstances.

I cannot say that Jesus was killed as he “gave up his life for our sins” and paid the sin penalty.  He came to Earth to do such as his purpose for coming [in addition to teaching].

It is NOT OK to end your life for frivolous reasons before our time to die.  However, end of life can be very painful and costly.  You are going to die soon anyway and you have a right to be terminated near your end time.

There are states and countries that do help with assisted termination of life in these circumstances.  I suggest you do so ONLY at the end of your time on Earth and not at the beginning.

Termination of life will be  only a physical death and not a spiritual death — if you are a saved person — so you will still be alive alive in Heaven.