How to deal with the inevitable worsening political/economic/cultural conditions as well as the fast-approaching tribulation.


  1. Become a Christian and maintain a continual solid [real] relationship that is right with God through Jesus and with guidance of the holy Spirit.
  2. Recognize and accept mentally/emotionally that the tribulation and final events are the fault of humans and not God. God is trying to give everyone a chance to be saved.  He has utilized every way to do so by the time of the end of the Millennium.   By the time of the White Throne Judgement or their own Earthly death, it is too late for humans to be saved and they are going into judgement, punishment, and the final death in the Lake of Fire.
    1. Some humans need this experience [tribulation] to accept salvation and Jesus as King of Kings.
    2. Unsaved humans [who reject God’s salvation] need to perish [some through stupidity and some through the desire to do extreme evil].
    3. The tribulation and end-time events are the “daisy chain” results of human behavior.
  3. The tribulation and end-time events ARE going to happen.
    1. Realize that as a “practicing” Christian, a Christian cannot slow down the progression, stop the progression, or keep anyone from experiencing the end-time-events [if they are still alive].
    2. Young children, animals, teenagers, young adults, adults, and Cosmos/Earth itself ARE going to go through it [if they are alive at the time].
    3. Christians and other humans should not try to enhance, speed up the timeline of events, or encourage human behavior to start or make it worse.
    4. Fallen Angels and Satan are making tribulation events [and even now] worse through influence of World Leaders and general people.
      1. technology
      2. concepts
      3. enhanced greed, selfishness, control issues, power, wanting other nations/people stuff and resources, violence, war, etc.
      4. strategies, threats, propaganda, etc.
  4. Struggle in the Christian life is inevitable, lifelong, and ultimately beneficial.
    1. Christians encounter God’s grace through trials in ways that would not happen if the trials had not come in the first place.
    2. Christians must be committed to doing whatever He desires done.
  5. Know that living Christians will be “Raptured” before the worst of the tribulation time-line events.  Living Christians who are alive at the Millennium and those who accept Jesus as King of Kings [repent and become saved — like Israel and Arab Nations] will have endured and survived the tribulation events.



{It should be noted that the World is already in the end-times at some period of the time line.}

  1. Become a Christian and maintain a continual solid [real] relationship that is right with God through Jesus and with guidance of the holy Spirit.
  2. Prayer for as many humans as possible to repent and become saved.
  3. Prayer for Christians to keep their faith and hope throughout everything [no matter what they endure or others endure, be prepared to do it forever].
  4. Prayer for self and loved ones to endure the end-times [if they are alive].
  5. Be committed to doing whatever God desires to be done or endured. [Do God’s Will and work/tasks.]
  6. Study scriptures and watch World events as they happen. Do NOT be caught unaware or unready at the Rapture or Second Coming. [Don’t get caught up in being busy in the World and lose the relationship with God.]
  7. Share faith and hope [“the good news of God”] with others when it can be done.
  8. Accept that God Almighty IS IN CHARGE even though humans are at fault for the events about to happen [through their rebellion, selfishness, control issues, etc.].
  9. Although the end-time events should not be looked forward to [Compassion would make us not look forward to this time-period.], a Christian can look forward to the final Eternal Heaven on Earth when it is all over and God’s Kingdom arrives in totality.
  10. Realize that God is with Christians through the tribulation period experienced and in compassion for those who must suffer in an unsaved condition. He wants to save as many people as possible.
  11. Praise God [Turn any complaints into positive praise of God.] and be glad He wants to save as many people as possible.  Worship is an extreme form of love — it’s a type of unquestioning devotion. If you worship God, then you love and TRUST God so much that you don’t question him at all.
Category: My Opinion