Forgiveness from God, Forgiveness of Others, Forgiveness of Self

1. Forgiveness from God
• a. It is easier to ask and receive forgiveness from God than others or self.
• b. God forgives totally and wipes if off your record in Heaven. He forgets it completely.
• c. How to get forgiveness from God.
i. recognize your sin/trespass,
ii. confess your sins with a repentant heart,
iii. sincerely ask God through prayer via Holy Spirit for His
forgiveness [ask God for forgiveness NOT to excuse you,
iiii. change our attitude/thoughts toward that sin
[repent and realize the sin is a sin],
iv. change your behavior [try not to do that sin again
with help of Holy Spirit],
v. and walk in “the Spirit” by listening to the Holy Spirit guide you
vi. while continually learning and refreshing your
faith through scriptures.
• d. Realize that ashes and sackcloth or dramatics won’t help, but a simple prayer to God will.
• e. Punishing yourself will not help.

2. Forgiveness of Others
• a. You can forgive others, but
i. do not require others to forgive you,
ii. do not require them to recognize they need forgiveness
from you,
iii. or do not require them to accept forgiveness from you.
[Sometimes, it is better to not approach them with forgiveness,
but forgive them within yourself instead.]
• b. Stop replaying what happened or going over the trespasses of others.
i. Forgive others and move on in you life even if the trespass has
damaged you or your life and you have to endure the results thereof.
[In some cases, “victim therapy” may help as well.
Go to a victim therapist if God sends you to one and let God guide it.]
ii. Don’t keep dragging the trespass out of the timeline and don’t keep
holding it up as what happened in the past.
iii. Leave it in the timeline and be willing to be vulnerable in the
present and future.
[However, use common sense.
As an example: Don’t let a known ax-murder or rapist into your
home/life knowingly. Don’t leave your children in the care of a known
person suffering from Pedophilia.  You can forgive from a distance.]
• c. Forgive others as often as needed even if for the same trespass.
• d. Pray for the person who hurt you.
• e. Try to undo the harm and/or repair the relationship.
• f. Let go of the hurt.
i. Letting go of hurt does not mean it was OK for it to have
occurred no matter how many times it happens to people on Earth.
Wrong doing still remains wrong doing.
ii. Also, the World inhabitants may not know right from wrong or even
care, but it is important that YOU know wrong is wrong.]
• g. Remember God says “It is foolish and stupid to anger quickly”.
i. [Remember that some people cannot be dealt with no matter
what and it is their fault not yours. It is actually foolish and stupid
to try to do so.
ii. Spend your time in a more productive and positive way.]
• Don’t let bad/evil/sinful people change who you are and what you think as well as your behavior. Only God through the Holy Spirit should be changing you to be more God-like in character.

3. Forgiveness of Self
• a. Forgiving yourself is the hardest thing to do.
• b. Recognize you need for forgive yourself and your emotions regarding it.
• c. Accept responsibility for your part in the thing that you need to forgive.
• d. Think things through and acknowledge the pain created.
• e. Show yourself compassion. Let go of the pain and guilty thoughts.
• f. Be open and honest with God through prayer and admit that you have made mistakes.
• g. Once you have confessed your sins [having remorse], ask for help and forsake [set it aside, be done with, be finished with it] them.
• h. If possible, you should repair the damage your actions have caused.
• i. Remember God has forgiven you. [Assumes you asked God to forgive you for what you have done.]
• j. Stop replaying what happened.
• k. Tell yourself that you are sorry.
• l. Learn from the experience and grow as a person.
• m. Go on with your life. The thing is now in your past timeline only.
• n. Punishing yourself will not help.


If you need scripture for any of this, you can research it through your Bible or use Online Bibles or Christian websites.

Remember God uses whatever He chooses to help us learn a lesson or complete a goal He has regarding us.  Let God guide you through the Holy Spirit [which you receive upon receiving salvation through Jesus.]

Category: My Opinion