New Jerusalem Coming Down in Final Heaven

Although this does not affect receiving salvation, in Scripture, the New Jerusalem comes down to Earth and God/Jesus/Angels, etc thereafter reside therein with other nations coming and going from it bring goods and resources to the city.

The Final Heaven of Eternity comes after the conclusion of the 1000 year period of Jesus’ reign, the White Throne Judgement, Hell and sinners into the Lake of Fire, etc.  The Earth has been renewed into the New Earth.

Thus, it is my opinion that all life is removed from the old Earth and the old Earth is renewed via melting of the elements into the New Earth.  It seems logical that Angels, Jesus, God, Saints are most likely on the New Jerusalem somewhere in Current [now] Heaven until the New Earth is ready for re-population by the coming down of New Jerusalem.  How God does all this is, of course, unknown.  Maybe the 1000 year saved receive their “glorified bodies” during this time period.

Anyway, logic seems that what comes down must have first been up in order to come down.

It should be noted also that even though God Almighty [God the Father] resides on Earth with His people, He is not necessarily exclusive to Earth alone.  He is omnipresent.

[Omnipresent, ubiquitous refer to the quality of being everywhere. Omnipresent emphasizes in a lofty or dignified way the power, usually divine, of being present everywhere at the same time, as though all-enveloping: Divine law is omnipresent.]

Category: My Opinion