Are there Aliens [not of Earth]

If you believe in God and the Scriptures, then the answer has to be YES.  Also, God has the capability to create any being He chooses wherever He chooses and he has had millions of years or longer to do so – so who knows if there are more or not.  When we get to Heaven, we can ask Him, if we want to do so. By the way, God is not any old alien, He is God Almighty and in charge of the Universe and beyond.

  • Heaven past and present [now] is not on Earth.  God resides currently in present Heaven.
  • Heaven past and present has created beings around the throne of God.
  • Heaven past and present has uncountable number of [good] Angels.
  • Satan [Angel] was in past Heaven and was thrown out of Heaven to Earth.
  • Angels [rebellion of Satan/Angels] were in past Heaven and were thrown out of Heaven to Earth.
  • On Earth there are currently Demons [deceased Giants/children of Angels and human women].
  • On Earth there are Familiar Spirits.
  • Currently saved people [souls] are in present [now] Heaven.


God, Satan, and Angels came from Heaven to Earth and returned to Earth in past Heaven.  It is possible that currently Angels come to/from Earth as well.  The Holy Spirit is within Saved Humans and the Holy Spirit is of God.

Satan and Fallen Angels are aliens and no longer of God although God is still “IN CHARGE” and they know it even if humans often do not know it.  Thus, one could just call the Fallen Angels and Satan just “Aliens” as they are not “of Earth” but do come/go to/from Earth even today in the time-line.

Category: My Opinion