The coming of the New Jerusalem to the New Earth

Based on the fact that New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven adorned as a bride of Christ [the bride is the Church so the saved in glorified bodies are there as member of the Church] and based on the fact that the old Earth is made new by melting of the elements,

I believe that after the White Throne Judgement, stripes, and unsaved into the Lake of Fire, that the saved and good angels are taken to present Heaven [probably to the New Jerusalem in Heaven and old Earth is renewed via melting of elementsThen when the New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven to the New Earth, it will include saved glorified bodies, good Angels, and Jesus.  God Almighty will take up a residence in the New Jerusalem and glorified saved and Angels will be his people under Jesus as King of Kings.  Jesus ALWAYS does the Will of God so ultimately God Almighty rules.

The saved in glorified bodies and good Angels reside in New Jerusalem and some move out into other areas of Earth and rule those areas under the leadership and Kingship of Jesus.  Probably some will even settle on other planets.

However, during the melting of the elements of Earth, God Almighty could do a phase transition of the Universe — after the “Lake of Fire” disposal of unsaved and before the “landing of the New Jerusalem”.  — God has that level of power, if he chose to do so.

Category: My Opinion