What is the meaning of your life?

  1. From the beginning mankind was ordained to have dominion, to rule, to be in charge of the physical creation here on Earth. [Ps 8]
  2. Mankind was given the capacity and responsibility to help direct and judge his fellow man under God. [Ex 18]
  3. Christian life is to reconcile man to God. [2 Peter 3 and Luke 4]
  4. Christian is to become a member of God’s Family and God’s Kingdom [for eternity].
  5. Christian is to become full fledged Sons of God and help rule the entire universe under the direction of Jesus Christ.
  6. Christian is to become more like Jesus in character, focus, goals, and essence. [overcoming himself, the world, and assaults of Satan through faith — via reading the bible, prayer, help of Holy Spirit, learn to live by every word of God, and grow in spiritual maturity.] Although we will have unique personalities, we are added to God’s Family in spiritual rebirth because Jesus paid our sin penalty. Christians will never be equal to Jesus or God [in character or power] but the Christian is to progress closer to the character of Jesus.


Category: Bible Topics