What is the body of a believer who goes to Heaven before the Rapture/Resurrection? What is the “Transitional Post Human”?


From "rich man" in pre-Hell parable:  Luke 16:20-25 [ rich man {unsaved}/ Lazarus{saved}]
- both can talk, see, hear, think, feel, remember, understand
- both can walk, move, function physically
- both have substance and essence of some kind
- both are NOT immortal or free of corruption
- believer/saint has divine nature and those is pre-Hell still have the “Worldly” sin nature

"Rapture/Resurrection Event" [receiving incorruption & immortality glorified body]: Luke 20:35-38

- Believer/Saint DO NOT have immortality yet but receives it at the Rapture/Resurrection Event
- Believer/Saint does have divine nature
- Believer/Saint does NOT have the "glorified" body yet but receives it at the Rapture/Resurrection Event


Saints/Martyrs physically go to/from before God to receive robes of righteousness" Rev 6:9-11
- Saints/Martyrs have movement, understanding, a physical body of some kind, hear, see, think
- Saints/Martyrs exist in substance
- Saints/Martyrs have divine nature, but not immortal

Believers/Saints "in" Paradise [Heaven] after their death: Luke 16:20-25 [ rich man/ Lazarus] and Rev 6:11 [rest a little longer until their other brothers, fellow servants of Jesus, had been martyred on the earth and joined them.]

- aware of believers/saints still suffering on Earth
- enjoy nice environment and surroundings
- move about, hear, see, think, feel, understand, evaluate, speak/sing
- awaiting the Rapture/Resurrection knowingly [wanting it to take place]
- can ask questions and understand answers to/from God and understand where they are, the circumstances of Paradise [Heaven] and those on Earth at least to general/overall condition


 God is the God of the Living: Matthew 20:2 
- living Being
Category: Bible Topics