Pets go to Heaven

Yes, pets go to Heaven.  I don’t know if all animals that ever existed go to Heaven, but then Heaven is Huge.  God has a lot of planets for even the animals who were not pets, if he so desired to provide for them too.

I have several books, which I’ll look up in my closed and list here instead of this line of text.  They give scriptures.  I have looked up each scripture in context and have studied this issue a lot.  Scripture leads me to believe we will see our pets there.

My pets were my children.  I had no actual human children.  My husband is in Heaven already and he had a favorite couple of cats and a favorite dog.  I am sure they are together presently.

I look forward to joining my beloved pets in Heaven as a perk.  I am planning on Heaven because I want to be with God in His Kingdom for eternity, but it is a nice perk to be able to see my husband and pets once again.  I know that Jesus understood the concept of pets so I know God the Father does too.

Source:  Bible Scriptures.  There are many articles listing references on the Internet and Articles by Ministers on this topic.

There are many books on the topic.  Two are: Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven by Steven H. Woodward  and  Heaven by Randy Alcorn

Category: -- Pets in Heaven