Discovery Channel Accuracy?

Do NOT believe everything the Discovery Channel presents regarding religion.  In fact, their inaccuracies regarding God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and all related topics makes a viewer question their presentations on other things in the world that they present as facts.

Even when they state a concept as held by some, they later in the presentation, present such as fact or in such a way that it implies fact.  Often it is not fact, but is someone’s opinion and in error. I don’t know who their experts they are consulting are, but whoever they are, they are NOT of God even remotely.

I often think they are working overtime to negate and degrade God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  These concepts have been around since Jesus appeared on Earth.

The latest presentation that I started to listen to was so far fetched, it was actually stupid-funny.

Jesus was/is/always will be the BEGOTTEN Son of God.  He was/is Deity and human combined.  He is now in a glorified body still including human and Deity.  However God had Jesus born of woman is none of my or anyone else’s’ business.  Otherwise, God would have had it specifically stated in the Bible and it is not.  Jesus is the anointed of God to fulfill the task appointed to Him, which He did/does/will.  Jesus Christ is to be honored, appreciated and thanked as well as trusted, followed, and believed.  Why? Because God the Father said so and Jesus His Son said so.  It is God’s Plan of Salvation.


Category: Bible Topics