Demon/Satan possession vs Human Generated Mind Control

There is a vast difference between demon/Satan possession and human generated mind control.  Human mind control includes self-control, and outside groups.  Demon/Satan possession includes Satan’s  influence, demon posession, and evil spirit influence.

Satan does not do human possession.   He tricks, infuences, enhances, twists, confuses, etc.  He roams the Earth.  He wants you to NOT follow or listen to God or God’s Will. Satan knows your complience has to be of your free-will choice.   Both God and Satan adhear to having human’s free-will choice to  follow them or not.

Demons/evil spirits possess humans and seem to be incompatible with the human.   Demon/evil spirits possession in scriptures and even now seem to create a very bad physical effect on the human body and mind.  In fact, the effect on scriptural pigs was fatal to the pigs. Demon/evil spirits don’t seem to need human’s to make a free will choice. However a free-will choice to believe and follow God through Jesus [accepting Jesus as your Savior] terminates demon/evil spirit possession.  Jesus often made demon/evil spirits leave the human.  If the Holy Spirit [through accepting Jesus as your Saviour] moved in then the demons/evil spirits could not move back in.  However, if the human did not accept Jesus as Saviour and receive  the Holy Spriit, then the human was empty and the demon/evil spirits could return.

Human mind control [outside-control or self-control] is influence based – either from self or outside groups. The human may or may not realize or know that they are being controled through such influence. Such influence can be either individual or mass presented. Humans often do not ahear to the free-will of the individual. Power and economics are often the goal.

Category: Bible Topics