Be not of this World!

  • Study the Word of God through the Holy Spirit  [of God] {guidance, revitalization, and thinking}
  • Believe in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and in Sync Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence. God the Father is Supreme and Holy Spirit and Jesus do God the Father’s Will.
  • Know that Jesus Christ has Lordship over all things in heaven and in earth and under the earth and that God the Father exalted Him to this position.
  • Acknowledge that we are frail and damaged:  We are jars of clay, which are particularly appropriate vessels – to highlight the glorious power of God, –  as we have none [powers] of our own.
  • Recognize, Shut up, Endure, and be Joyful “knowing” God.  [paraphrased scripture]. Joyful in knowledge of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, knowing that there is a God, that Jesus died/arose for your sins, and that the Holy Spirit lives within you.  [recognize = acknowledge problem, consider solutions thru prayer, scripture, physical possibilities, and turning it over to God]
  • Be “IN Jesus”. Worship God the Father and have Faith and Trust in Jesus.  See Righteous & Obedience thru Jesus note.
Category: Bible Topics