Traits of Jesus.

We are suppose to become more like Him.

⦁ Always willingly did/does God’s Will.
⦁ Always trusts God.
⦁ Has faith is in God only.
⦁ Worships only God.
⦁ Prays only to God.
⦁ Focuses on God.
⦁ Believes God.
⦁ Follows the commandments.
⦁ Obedient to God. Did/does what God tells Him to do.
⦁ Serves/served others — [example: Jesus washed Diciples feet]. [died for us/interceeds for us]
⦁ Cares about others well being. [love]
⦁ Is not full of himself — [has reasonable esteem and not enhanced esteem for self]
⦁ Not afraid to lower himself to become a servent in order to save mankind from the penality of sin, be an example, and/or teach mankind God’s way.
⦁ Knew he was/is a child of God and a member of God’s Kingdom.
⦁ Did/does things God’s Way.
⦁ Gave/gives God glory, honor, and praise for everything. — [Does not take for such for himself.]
⦁ Is/was stable and consistent in his faith, beliefs, and focus.
⦁ Is/was disciplined with self contol.
⦁ Is/was not war-like or violent — [only had righeous anger].
⦁ Is/was cognitive and evaluational.
⦁ Had/has a task to do [that God assigned Him] and did/does it.
⦁ Is/was patient.
⦁ Is/was a teacher [explain God’s Way].
⦁ Knows the Word of God — [IS the Word of God].
⦁ He understands complicated issues.
⦁ Thinks as God thinks.
⦁ Does/did not sin.
⦁ Loved and cared for his family.
⦁ Treated women respectfully and with value.
⦁ Takes/took strong action when required [not weak].
⦁ Not afraid to suffer and endure pain and difficulty when necessary to do God’s will.

…….. AND a lot more…….

Book by Turning Point by David Jeremiah
I AM [statements of/by Jesus] Book
[Read the book for full information on each statement.]


The Light of the World.
The Bread of Life.
The Door.
The Good Shepherd.
The Resurrection and the Life.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The True Vine.